Heightened financial distress, globalisation (where companies play a pivotal role on the world stage) and increased regulation has led to an increase in the size and complexity of financial disputes and investigations.

The ever increasing pace of events requires now, more than ever, a joined up forensic solution covering specialist expert opinion, quantification of loss, electronic data capture, valuations and fraud solutions for often complex disputes and investigations.

Closer to home, given the increasing number of acquisitions in the Corporate Service Provider market across the Channel Islands in recent times, transactions often require forensic solutions, including valuations and investigation services, in respect of transferring clients often in multiple jurisdictions.

At Grant Thornton we work on some of the most complex global disputes and investigations, as well as discrete local investigations.

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Our Forensic and Investigation Services Team

Our Channel Islands team comprises of experienced forensic accountants, Certified Fraud Examiners and Data Forensic Practitioners, and our close links with forensic specialists throughout the Grant Thornton International network means that we can quickly assemble cross-border teams and undertake international projects.

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