We advise a wide range of clients and their financial stakeholders, from fast growing and established businesses to public companies competing in global...
Sector Focus
We specialise in the investment management industry offering audit, assurance, tax and corporate…
At Grant Thornton, tax is a key part of our organisation and our award-winning teams can offer you a range of solutions, whatever the size of your business or...
Personal Tax Services
There are many tax rules that can affect you personally and therefore which will have an impact on your…
QI Compliance
Qualified Intermediaries (QI) have to take action now to perform a Certification to the Internal…
Download our tax brochures
The tax teams at Grant Thornton aim to provide the Channel Islands with a premier tax advisory service both…
Jersey Tax Return
A secure sign in page to file Jersey Tax Returns through the Grant Thornton tax portal.
We work with a broad range of clients and their financial stakeholders, from entrepreneurs in the early days to fast growing and established businesses to...
ESG can either be seen as a risk management tool or an opportunity, either way it is imperative to your…
Professional Services
Business and accounting support for professional services
Finance Industry
We work with a broad range of clients and their financial stakeholders, from entrepreneurs in the early days to…
Local Businesses
Businesses come in many shapes and sizes – from innovative start-ups to long-established local…
We supply a wide range of services to under-performing businesses and their stakeholders. We focus on identifying and resolving issues affecting profitability,...
Corporate Insolvency
Our corporate investigation, Guernsey liquidation and recovery teams focus on identifying and…
Corporate Simplification
Redundant corporate entities can over complicate group structures and waste thousands of pounds in…
Debt Advisory
Our Debt Advisory team provides commercial and financial debt advice to corporate entities and…
Exit Strategy Services
We offer a tailored methodology designed to enable a company to be reviewed in a group context to…
Financial Restructuring
For companies challenged by under-performance we work with management teams, shareholders,…
Strategic performance reviews
Strategic performance reviews analyse the key drivers of performance improvement. Our…
Heightened financial distress, globalisation (where companies play a pivotal role on the world stage) and increased regulation has led to an increase in the...
For most companies, the responsibility to comply with the twists and turns of financial reporting obligations is an ever increasing, and sometimes dizzying...
Regulatory interventions, an everchanging business environment with increased complex challenges, have a significant impact on business risk.